Title: Canada (Forward Sortation Area Postal Centroids, 2006)
- Mixed
- 2006
- MIT authentication required
- Issued: October 01, 2006
- Coverage: October 01, 2006
- Coverage: 2006
- Environmental Systems Research Institute (Redlands, Calif.)
Canada FSA Postal Centroids represents the Forward Sortation Areas (FSA) of Canada as centroids, which are identified by the first three characters of the postal code. The sequence of the three-character FSA is always alphabetical character/number/alphabetical character. The centroids are calculated from the DMTI Spatial FSA boundary dataset, which is created from the DMTI Spatial six-character postal code point dataset and CanMap®. The FSA boundaries encompass the six-character postal code points starting with the FSA designation, and conform to the streets and other physical features within CanMap.
- Location
- Canada
- Postal codes
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-135.416740, -52.711426, 68.003616, 42.033581)
- Geometry: BBOX (-135.416740, -52.711426, 68.003616, 42.033581)
GIS Lab, MIT Libraries
- Access rights: Restricted
DMTI Spatial Inc., ESRI. Canada (Forward Sortation Area Postal Centroids, 2006). Environmental Systems Research Institute (Redlands, Calif.). Mixed. https://geodata.libraries.mit.edu/record/gismit:CA_P8POSTAL_2006
- eng