Title: Cambridge, MA (Bridges, 2010)
- Polygon data
- 2010
- MIT authentication required
- Issued: April 12, 2010
- Coverage: April 12, 2010
- Coverage: 2010
- Cambridge (MA) Geographic Information System (City of Cambridge GIS)
City of Cambridge, MA GIS basemap development project encompasses the land area of City of Cambridge with a 200 foot fringe surrounding the area and Charles River shoreline towards Boston. The basemap data was developed at 1" = 40' mapping scale using digital photogrammetric techniques. Planimetric features; both man-made and natural features like vegetation, rivers have been depicted. These features are important to all GIS/mapping applications and publication. A set of data layers such as Buildings, Roads, Rivers, Utility structures, 1 ft interval contours are developed and represented in the geodatabase. The features are labeled and coded in order to represent specific feature class for thematic representation and topology between the features is maintained for an accurate representation at the 1:40 mapping scale for both publication and analysis.
- Transportation
- Massachusetts--Cambridge
- Bridges
- Bridges--Design and construction
- City planning
- planningCadastre
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-71.163986, -71.056155, 42.405572, 42.347255)
- Geometry: BBOX (-71.163986, -71.056155, 42.405572, 42.347255)
GIS Lab, MIT Libraries
- Access rights: Restricted
- The basemap data has been developed using procedures designed to produce data to the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) and is intended for use at 1" = 40 ' mapping scale.The City of Cambridge provides Geographic Information Systems ("GIS") data in good faith. The City makes no warranty in regard to the data whatsoever, including, but not limited to, a warranty of the accuracy of the data. The party requesting the data (hereafter "Requester") agrees that the City has no liability arising from any incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading data provided.The City makes no warranties of fitness or merchantability either express or implied in regard to the data provided to the Requester hereunder. The data provided are provided "as is" and with all faults.The Requester will have no claims to data updates.The Requester shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees and agents from and against all losses, claims, demands, actions, payments, costs, suits, liabilities, including attorney's fees, expenses and damages (direct or consequential) whether or not caused by the negligence of the City, its officers, employees or agents, which are incurred by or recovered against the City for any reason whatsoever arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the data, or to any use to which the Requester might put the data.
Massachusetts--Cambridge. Cambridge, MA (Bridges, 2010). Cambridge (MA) Geographic Information System (City of Cambridge GIS). Polygon data. https://geodata.libraries.mit.edu/record/gismit:US_MA_CAMBRIDGE_P24BRIDGE_2010
- eng