Title: A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul : Tgether With India on Both Sides the Ganges, and the Adjacent Countries. Drawn From the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts: the Whole Being Regulated by Astron. Observations, 1750
- Raster data
- 1750
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Columbia)
- Coverage: 1750
This is a scanned version of the 1750 paper map entitled: A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul : Tgether With India on Both Sides the Ganges, and the Adjacent Countries. Drawn From the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts: the Whole Being Regulated by Astron. Observations. The map was scanned at 300 dots per inch and is in the TIFF format.
- India
- ImageryBaseMapsEarthCover
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (59.216179853424, 120.7472828677, 38.1020103185, -1.96660960887)
- Geometry: BBOX (59.216179853424, 120.7472828677, 38.1020103185, -1.96660960887)
- Access rights: Public
Research Data Services (RDS), Columbia University Libraries, Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul : Tgether With India on Both Sides the Ganges, and the Adjacent Countries. Drawn From the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts: the Whole Being Regulated by Astron. Observations, 1750. Raster data. https://geodata.library.columbia.edu/catalog/sde-columbia-cul_scannedpublic_1747_mogul
- English