Title: Residental Wastewater Systems, Cayuga Lake watershed, 2007
- Point data
- 2007
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by CUGIR, Cornell University)
- Issued: September 01, 2007
- Coverage: 2003
This point dataset identifies all residential structures in the Cayuga Lake Watershed, and indiciates whether it is served by a municipal sewer system or is expected to have an on-site waste management system. TIGER Census 2000 data was used to estimate the number of individuals per residential structure. This geographic dataset was developed by the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network as part of a larger project, in conjunction with Dr. Douglas Haith and Cornell University, to model nutrient loading in the Cayuga Lake watershed. The model used is the Generalized Watershed Loading Function (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987). Haith, D.A. and L.L. Shoemaker, 1987. Generalized Watershed Loading Functions for Stream Flow Nutrients. Water Resources Bulletin, 23(3), pp. 471-478.
- New York
- Cayuga County
- Cortland County
- Schuyler County
- Seneca County
- Tompkins County
- Tioga County
- Cayuga Lake Watershed
- Sewer Sysetms
- Sewage
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-76.967291, -76.174575, 42.949087, 42.280082)
- Geometry: BBOX (-76.967291, -76.174575, 42.949087, 42.280082)
CUGIR, Cornell University
- Access rights: Public
Cayuga Lake Watershed Network, Nicholas Hollingshead, GIS Analyst. Residental Wastewater Systems, Cayuga Lake watershed, 2007. Point data. https://cugir.library.cornell.edu/catalog/cugir-008014