Title: Critical Environmental Areas, Tompkins County NY, 2000
- Polygon data
- 2000
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by CUGIR, Cornell University)
- Issued: 2000
- Coverage: 1999
Polygons delineating the boundary of Tompkins County Critical Environmental Areas. Currently, Coy Glen, located in the Town of Ithaca, is the only CEA in Tompkins County. It is an important botanic and geologic site, and is home to uncommon ecological communities and rare species. Under New York State Environmental Quality Review Regulations (SEQR) Section 617.14(g), local agencies may choose specific geographic areas within their boundaries as Critical Environmental Areas (CEAs). To be designated as a CEA, an area must have an exceptional or unique character covering one or more of the following: 1. A benefit or threat to human health; 2. A natural setting (e.g. fish and wildlife habitat, forest and vegetation, open space and areas of important aesthetic or scenic quality); 3. Agricultural, social, cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational, or educational values, or; 4. An inherent ecological, geological or hydrological sensitivity to change that may be adversely affected by an change. Following designation, the potential impact of any Type I or Unlisted Action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA is a relevant area of environmental concern and must be evaluated in the determination of significance prepared pursuant to the SEQR regulations.
- Tompkins County
- Conservation
- Natural resources conservation areas
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-76.552765, -76.527097, 42.437541, 42.425479)
- Geometry: BBOX (-76.552765, -76.527097, 42.437541, 42.425479)
CUGIR, Cornell University
- Access rights: Public
Tompkins County Planning Department, Town of Ithaca. Critical Environmental Areas, Tompkins County NY, 2000. Polygon data. https://cugir.library.cornell.edu/catalog/cugir-001646