Title: Hydrography, Tompkins County NY, 2001
- Line data
- 2001
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by CUGIR, Cornell University)
- Issued: 2001
- Coverage: 2001
The Tompkins County Planning Department utilized inter-departmental mapping expertise of the Tompkins County Information Technology Services GIS Division to produce a data set of surface water features for Tompkins County, New York. The need for this data set has been identified by various county departments, local municipal agencies, and other not-for-profit organizations. To provide a complete network of streams within the county boundaries and to add enough basic attributes that a fundamental degree of categorization would be achieved. To provide a stream layer for map production and to provide a framework for relating streams to external databases.
- Fall Creek (Cayuga County and Tompkins County, N.Y.)
- Six Mile Creek NY
- Cascadilla Creek NY
- Tompkins County
- Finger Lakes Region NY
- Cayuga Lake NY
- creeks
- surface water
- Hydrography
- Rivers
- Lakes
- Ponds
- Hydrology
- Reservoirs
- inlandWaters
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-76.769534, -76.237712, 42.945211, 42.26282)
- Geometry: BBOX (-76.769534, -76.237712, 42.945211, 42.26282)
CUGIR, Cornell University
- Access rights: Public
Tompkins County Planimetric Project. Hydrography, Tompkins County NY, 2001. Line data. https://cugir.library.cornell.edu/catalog/cugir-007497