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Title: Cover Type Wetlands Map of the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis Watersheds in New York State, 2000



  • Issued: December 29, 2000
  • Coverage: 1997


A set of 18 USGS 7.5' quadrangle-based wetland coverages was prepared for the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis River watersheds, primarily within the New York State Adirondack Park using PC Arc/Info 3.4D+ at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Plattsburgh State University (RSL). Wetlands were delineated on 1:40000 color infrared National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP) transparencies (for the Oswegatchie-Black watershed 1:58,000-scale National High Altitude Photography (NHAP) color infrared photos were used), transferred to orthophoto overlays using an Image Interpretations Systems Stereo Zoom Transfer Scope, and either hand digitized or scanned into PC Arc/Info format. A digital file extracted from the watershed data layer defined the outer boundary of the mapped area. This wetlands database consists of both polygon and linear features labeled using National Wetlands Inventory conventions. The 138 individual quadrangle files were exported to the New York State, Executive Department, Adirondack Park Agency (NYS APA) running Arc/Info version 8.0. The final MAPJOINED study area polygon coverage comprised of the 18 quad coverages was called STREGWTLND. Scale 1:24,000. The wetlands database is part of a larger database designed to help evaluate watershed/wetland relationships and provide data for cumulative impact assessments. The outreach efforts to share the Agency's natural resource database will encourage resource appreciation and wise use, particularly in a regional context. Supplemental Information: Line drawings for 18 quadrangle-based wetland coverages were scanned using an ANAtech Evolution scanner housed at the Adirondack Park Agency. Digital files were vectorized, transformed into the UTM coordinate system, edited, and attributed by the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Plattsburgh State University. Digital files were georeferenced into a digital quadrangle file containing four bounding tics using PC Arc/Info 3.4D+. Maximum allowable RMS was 0.003, snapdistance 20.0 meters, snaptype closest, weed tolerance 3.0 meters, and a fuzzy tolerance of 1.219 meters. Hard copies of the digital coverage showing arcs, dangle nodes, and label points were carefully checked against the line overlay for digitizing or scanning accuracy. Wetland labels were added as label components using a digitizer menu customized for this project. A label overlay was placed over the line drawing, and arc and wetland labels were assigned on the digitizer. Wetland label columns were concatenated into a unified wetland label using dBase IV. A hard copy of the wetland coverage was made showing NWI wetland labels and each label was checked against the label overlay. Wetland labels follow the conventions established by Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79/31. Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 103 pp. Some modifications to the conventions were made to accommodate this project and are noted in the final project report. Files were transported to the NYS APA as Arc/Info export files (no compression) compressed with WinZip on 100 MB Zip disks.


  • Adirondack Park
  • Adirondack Mountains
  • Oswegatchie Black River Drainage Basin
  • St. Regis River Drainage Basin
  • Upper Hudson River Drainage Basin
  • Vegetation
  • National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) cover types
  • Wetlands
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-75.3268, -73.2812, 44.882, 43.0393)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-75.3268, -73.2812, 44.882, 43.0393)


CUGIR, Cornell University


  • Access rights: Public


New York State Adirondack Park Agency, Daniel M. Spada, Project Director (compiler). Cover Type Wetlands Map of the Oswegatchie-Black, Upper Hudson, and St. Regis Watersheds in New York State, 2000. Polygon data.

