Title: Index of New York State Regulatory Freshwater Wetlands
- Not specified
- 2013
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by CUGIR, Cornell University)
- Issued: August 28, 2013
- Coverage: 2013
These data are a set of ARC/INFO coverages composed of polygonal and linear features. Coverages are based on official New York State Freshwater Wetlands Maps as described in Article 24-0301 of the Environmental Conservation Law. Coverages are not, however, a legal substitute for the official maps. Coverages are available on a county basis for all areas of New York State outside the Adirondack Park. To provide a faithful representation of official New York State regulatory freshwater wetlands maps for GIS resource analysis at scales equal to the 1 to 24,000 scale of original mapping or smaller scales (e.g., 1 to 100,000 scale).
- New York
- Freshwater Wetlands
- Regulatory Wetlands
- index map
- Wetlands
- Conservation of natural resources
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-79.762152, -71.856214, 45.01585, 40.496103)
- Geometry: BBOX (-79.762152, -71.856214, 45.01585, 40.496103)
CUGIR, Cornell University
- Access rights: Public
New York State. Department of Environmental Conservation. Index of New York State Regulatory Freshwater Wetlands. https://cugir.library.cornell.edu/catalog/cugir-008187