Title: Egypt Thematic Bare Areas Aggregation Landcover
- Polygon data
- 2002
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Di Gregorio, Antonio
- Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture. Soil and Water Research Institute
- El Mowelhi, Nabil
- Issued: November 14, 2002
- Coverage: 2002
- Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library
Egypt thematic bare areas aggregation landcover from The Multipurpose Africover Database for the Environmental Resources produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Scale of the dataset: 1:200,000 (1:100,000 Nile Delta). This dataset is a reaggregated version of the original national Africover landcover multipurpose database. It contains all bare areas. The land cover has been produced from visual interpretation of digitally enhanced LANDSAT TM images (Bands 4,3,2) acquired mainly in the year 1997. The land cover classes have been developed using the FAO/UNEP international standard LCCS classification system.
- Egypt
- Land use
- Vegetation mapping
- Deserts
- Sand dunes
- Earth Surface
- imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (24.697903, 36.896515, 31.667225, 21.814236)
- Geometry: BBOX (24.697903, 36.896515, 31.667225, 21.814236)
- Access rights: Public
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Di Gregorio, Antonio, Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture. Soil and Water Research Institute, El Mowelhi, Nabil. Egypt Thematic Bare Areas Aggregation Landcover. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. Polygon data. https://hgl.harvard.edu/catalog/harvard-africover-eg-bare-areas-agg