Title: Atlanta Regional Commission MARTA Bus Routes
- Line data
- 2002
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
- Issued: 2002
- Coverage: 2001
This polyline datalayer depicts MARTA bus routes with associated attribute data for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme was created in ArcView using MARTA's digital road network as a base map for 'heads up' digitizing, where bus routes were 'traced' over existing arcs representing the various streets used by MARTA. The street base was originally developed by Navigation Technologies (NavTech) and converted for use within GDS, MARTA's GIS system. For the purpose of this CD, ARC's GIS Division adjusted many of the arcs to coincide with the MARTA rail lines and rail stations, and to improve the positional accuracy against the 1993 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quad (DOQQ) imagery. This Theme represents the initial release of MARTA's bus route system and does not reflect changes to routes effective March 23, 2002. Although this Theme graphically depicts all of the different routes in MARTA's bus system, there is currently no 'link' to tabular data that would describe these routes maintained by MARTA.
- Transportation
- Atlanta
- Georgia (United States)
- Municipal
- Bus lines
- Buses
- Urban transportation
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-84.670914, -84.102615, 34.109688, 33.516457)
- Geometry: BBOX (-84.670914, -84.102615, 34.109688, 33.516457)
- Access rights: Restricted
Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). Atlanta Regional Commission MARTA Bus Routes. Line data. https://hgl.harvard.edu/catalog/harvard-arcmartabus