Title: MassGIS 2003 Massachusetts Hospitals (September 2002)
- Point data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
- Massachusetts. Dept. of Environmental Protection
- MassGIS (Office : Mass.)
- Massachusetts. Division of Health Care Finance and Policy
- Issued: May 19, 2003
- Coverage: 2002
- Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS)
This point datalayer shows the location of 145 hospitals in Massachusetts. This data was developed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) GIS Program based on database information provided by the Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy (DHCFP) and various Internet sources. Please be aware that the attributes for the points in this layer do not include information on the type of care (e.g. specialty hospitals, acute care hospitals with emergency departments, mental health, rehabilitation, etc.) provided at each facility. Future enhancements to the layer may include such information. Therefore this layer should not be used as the primary source when seeking emergency care.
- Health
- Structure
- Massachusetts
- Hospitals
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-73.390042, -70.066651, 42.81591, 41.268787)
- Geometry: BBOX (-73.390042, -70.066651, 42.81591, 41.268787)
- Access rights: Public
Massachusetts. Dept. of Environmental Protection, MassGIS (Office : Mass.), Massachusetts. Division of Health Care Finance and Policy. MassGIS 2003 Massachusetts Hospitals (September 2002). Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS). Point data. https://hgl.harvard.edu/catalog/harvard-mgishospx