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Title: Atlanta Regional Commission Streets



  • Issued: 2002
  • Coverage: 2001


This polyline datalayer depicts streets and roads, with associated attribute data, for the Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) 10-county region. ARC documentation states that: This Theme represents a conflation of various street centerline data: GDOT's General Highway Base Map, U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER 2000 files, ARC's ARCmap database, and U.S. Forestry Commission's Forestry Maps. The conflation process was performed by The University of Georgia's Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) to merge geographic and attribute street data, as well as to reconcile differences between data sources. Forestry data was obtained by referring to Forestry maps and digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles (DOQQs), then adding features to the coverage in ArcEdit. GDOT's General Highway Base Map source was digitized from mylar map sheets and overlaid on the source mylars for quality assurance. Both the TIGER 2000 and ARCmap street bases were incorporated by overlaying the sources with the coverage and importing missing features. The resulting dataset contains interstates, state highways, county roads, city streets, private roads, forestry roads, and unknown roads. Unknown roads are based solely on features identified on the 1999 color infrared (CIR) DOQQ's with a minimum length of 500 meters. All sources have been photo-revised using the 1999 CIR DOQQs at a scale of 1:5,000, thus significantly improving the positional accuracy of the STREETS Theme published in previous releases of ARIS. Although ARC does not guarantee absolute accuracy and completeness of the data, this Theme is believed to be a reasonable representation of the streets in the Atlanta Region.


  • Transportation
  • Atlanta
  • Georgia (United States)
  • Municipal
  • Streets
  • Roads
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-84.911693, -83.804892, 34.412295, 33.256603)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-84.911693, -83.804892, 34.412295, 33.256603)




  • Access rights: Restricted


Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). Atlanta Regional Commission Streets. Line data.

