Title: MassGIS 2003 Massachusetts bicycle trails (January 2003)
- Line data
- 2003
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Harvard)
- MassGIS (Office : Mass.)
- Massachusetts. Dept. of Environmental Management
- University of Massachusetts (System)
- Issued: May 19, 2003
- Coverage: 2003
- Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS)
This dataset, formerly named 'Rail Trails,' was created by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management for the purpose of regional planning and mapping. In 2002 the layer was updated and renamed 'Bicycle Trails'. The linework in this layer represents trails which all permit bicycle travel or corridors with conversion potential; however, bicycles are not the exclusive travel mode permitted on these trails. The manager or owner of the trail should be contacted for detailed information about the permitted uses and rules of conduct that are specific to that trail. Most such corridors use, or connect to, old railway lines. Many of the trails represented in this layer are open to some combination of activities such as walking, jogging, rollerblading, skiing, horse riding, snowmobiling, etc., as well as bicycling.
- Transportation
- Massachusetts
- Trails
- Hiking
- Rail-trails
- Bicycle trails
- Railroads
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-73.426828, -69.922443, 42.871873, 41.383116)
- Geometry: BBOX (-73.426828, -69.922443, 42.871873, 41.383116)
- Access rights: Public
MassGIS (Office : Mass.), Massachusetts. Dept. of Environmental Management, University of Massachusetts (System). MassGIS 2003 Massachusetts bicycle trails (January 2003). Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS). Line data. https://hgl.harvard.edu/catalog/harvard-mgisbikea