Title: Black Hawk War
- Not specified
- 1832
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Illinois)
- Coverage: 1832
- Coverage: 1832 to 1832
Map of Indian war of 1832, made by one who was there, Col. Edwin Rose.;Covers region in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin roughly bounded by Lake Winnebago, the Kankakee River, Peoria, and Prairie du Chien. Identifies rivers, forts, towns, and distances between points. Details routes taken by U.S. forces during the Black Hawk War of 1832. Shows Gen. Henry Atkinson's June 28-July 9 route from Dixon's Ferry northeast along the Rock River and Lt. Col. Abraham Eustis's August 1-September 1 route from Chicago to Rock Island. Also identifies marshes of the upper Rock River where Sauk Indians led by Black Hawk were based and their retreat northwest from the Wisconsin River.;Forms part of the Rudy Lamont Ruggles Collection.;PC 17717;Pen-and-ink.;drawer Ruggles 408;1 ms. map;244 x 201 mm.
- Campaigns
- Illinois
- Indians of North America
- Maps
- manuscript
- Sauk Indians
- Wars - 1815-1875
- Wisconsin
- 2022-creator-sprint
- 202212bbox
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-88.46366,-87.92876,40.40061,39.87909)
University of Illinois
- Access rights: Public
- The University of Illinois Map Library requests the following acknowledgement be included when using this Historical Map: Map provided courtesy of the Map Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.; No Copyright - United States; http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
Rose, Edwin, 1807-1864. Black Hawk War. https://digital.library.illinois.edu/items/a734b880-994e-0134-2096-0050569601ca-a
- eng