Title: Sketch map showing the probable course of the Sanpo of Tibet to the Irawadi of Burma according to native authorities, to accompany Mr. Robt. Gordon's paper
- Image data
- 1885
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1885
- London : Edward Stanford, 1885.
Conjectural [false] course of Tsangpo River [upper Brahmaputra] flowing into Irrawaddy River is shown by dotted lines. Tributary basins of the Brahmaputra and their area in square miles are given in red. "The part [of the Zayul Chu or Lohit River] from Jior to Sama, shown in Red, is taken from Mr. Hennessey's Map accompanying A-- K--'s narrative." Hennessey's hydrography shown superimposed over Gordon's. Includes Assamese, Burmese, and Chinese names for some rivers. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Trigonometrically fixed peaks of unknown height are shown. From: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography. Vol. 7 (1885), no. 5, pp. 292-331; held in Firestone Library. Call number: G7 .J6873
- Tibet (China)
- Burma
- Brahmaputra River—Discovery and exploration—Maps
- Brahmaputra River Watershed
- Hydrography
- Brahmaputra River—Maps
- Irrawaddy River (Burma)—Maps
- Tibet—Maps
- Burma—Maps
- Physical maps
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (93.0, 99.0, 30.5, 25.666667)
- Geometry: BBOX (93.0, 99.0, 30.5, 25.666667)
- Access rights: Public
Sharbau, H. (Henry). Sketch map showing the probable course of the Sanpo of Tibet to the Irawadi of Burma according to native authorities, to accompany Mr. Robt. Gordon's paper. London : Edward Stanford, 1885.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-qv33s0170
- eng