Title: A new & accurate map of the North Pole, with all the countries hitherto discovered situated near or adjacent to it as well as some others more remote : drawn from the latest and best authorities and regulated by astronom[ica]l observat[io]ns
- Image data
- 1747
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1747
- [London : Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward [and 13 others], 1747]
Relief shown pictorially. Includes descriptive notes and ornamental cartouche. "Meridian of London." Scale determined by using graticule method. In lower margin: No. 110. From: A complete system of geography ... / by Emanuel Bowen ... London : Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward [and 13 others], 1747.
- Arctic Ocean; Arctic regions
- North Pole—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Northern Hemisphere—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Arctic regions—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Northwest Passage—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Maps—North Pole—1747
- Maps—Northern Hemisphere—1747
- Maps—Arctic regions—1747
- Maps—Northwest Passage—1747
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-180.0, 180.0, 90.0, 50.0)
- Geometry: BBOX (-180.0, 180.0, 90.0, 50.0)
- Access rights: Public
Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. A new & accurate map of the North Pole, with all the countries hitherto discovered situated near or adjacent to it as well as some others more remote : drawn from the latest and best authorities and regulated by astronom[ica]l observat[io]ns. [London : Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward [and 13 others], 1747]. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-pv63g209m
- eng