Title: Plan of the city of New York, in North America, surveyed in the years 1766 & 1767 : to his excellency Sir Henry Moore, Bart., Capitain General & Governour in Chief in and over His Majesty's province of New York ... this plan of the city of New York & its environs ... is most humbly dedicated
- Image data
- 1854
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1854
- [New York : Common Council, 1854] (New York : G. Hayward)
Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Facsimile. "Lith. G. Hayward, 120 Water Street, New York, For D.T. Valentine's Manual, 1854." Includes decorative cartouche and ancillary view, A south west view of the city of New York taken from the Governour's Island at * [i.e. asterisk]. Historic Maps copy 1 is mounted on cardboard.
- New York
- Maps—Facsimiles
- New York (N.Y.)—Maps—Early works to 1800—Facsimiles
- Historical maps—New York (State)—New York
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-74.047658, -73.944661, 40.765207, 40.651737)
- Geometry: BBOX (-74.047658, -73.944661, 40.765207, 40.651737)
- Access rights: Public
Ratzer, Bernard. Plan of the city of New York, in North America, surveyed in the years 1766 & 1767 : to his excellency Sir Henry Moore, Bart., Capitain General & Governour in Chief in and over His Majesty's province of New York ... this plan of the city of New York & its environs ... is most humbly dedicated. [New York : Common Council, 1854] (New York : G. Hayward). Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-bn999916j
- eng