Title: Gulf of Volos with Oreos and Atalanté Channels : south of C. Stavros with the coasts of Negropont from surveys by Captain T. Graves and the officers of H.M.S. Volage, 1846-7 : north of C. Stavros from a survey by Commander LS. Dawson, R.N., assisted by Lieuts. G.C. Frederick, H.H. Douglas, H. Thompson, S.T. Dean Pitt, P.N. Richards, P.C. Musgrave, and E.A. Day, H.M. Surveying Ship Sylvia 1887-8 ...
- Image data
- 1908
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1908
- London : Published at the Admiralty ... , 1908, c1890.
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights; depth shown by soundings. "Soundings in fathoms." At head of title: Mediterranean, Greece--east coast. "Published at the Admiralty, 8th May, 1890, under the superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer." "189.55." "New edition July 1908. Small corrections ... 1919 [to] 1956." Historic Maps copy is 1956 issue.
- Greece
- Nautical charts—Greece
- Nautical charts—Mediterrean Sea
- Greece—Maps
- Volos, Gulf of (Greece)—Maps
- Mediterranean Sea—Maps
- Maps—Greece—Volos, Gulf of—1908
- Maps—Mediterranean Sea—1908
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (22.5629, 23.4747, 39.459, 38.5713)
- Geometry: BBOX (22.5629, 23.4747, 39.459, 38.5713)
- Access rights: Public
Great Britain. Hydrographic Department. Gulf of Volos with Oreos and Atalanté Channels : south of C. Stavros with the coasts of Negropont from surveys by Captain T. Graves and the officers of H.M.S. Volage, 1846-7 : north of C. Stavros from a survey by Commander LS. Dawson, R.N., assisted by Lieuts. G.C. Frederick, H.H. Douglas, H. Thompson, S.T. Dean Pitt, P.N. Richards, P.C. Musgrave, and E.A. Day, H.M. Surveying Ship Sylvia 1887-8 .... London : Published at the Admiralty ... , 1908, c1890.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-2227mr50r
- eng