Title: A map of the State of New Jersey with part of the adjoining states : compiled under the patronage of the Legislature of said state
- Image data
- 1833
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1833
- Trenton, N.J. ; Philadelphia, Pa. : Published by author, Trenton, N.J. by H.S. Tanner, Philada., c1833.
Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Washington, D.C. "Engraved by H.S. Tanner, assisted by E.B. Dawson & W. Allen." Historic Maps copy 2 has label on recto: "Clerk of the township of Sandiston. For the use of the town and school committees of said township, agreeably to "An act relative to the Map of New- Jersey, " passed February 14, 1831." Name of township in ms. Historic Maps copy 2 is wall map with wooden roller and metal grommets for hanging.
- New Jersey
- New Jersey—Maps
- Maps—New Jersey—1833
- State maps—New Jersey—1833
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-75.7542, -73.8002, 41.4092, 38.9002)
- Geometry: BBOX (-75.7542, -73.8002, 41.4092, 38.9002)
- Access rights: Public
Gordon, Thomas, 1778-1848. A map of the State of New Jersey with part of the adjoining states : compiled under the patronage of the Legislature of said state. Trenton, N.J. ; Philadelphia, Pa. : Published by author, Trenton, N.J. by H.S. Tanner, Philada., c1833.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-fb494b482
- eng