Title: Plan of the rivers Ucayali & Amazon from the Mission of Sarayacu to the Rio Negro from the observations of Lieut. Wm. Smyth & Mr. Fredk. Lowe, R.N., 1835
- Image data
- 1836
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1836
- London : published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, by J. Murray, Albemarle Street, April 10, 1836.
Depth shown by soundings. River currents shown in miles per hour. Major tributaries are shown. "The blue line indicates the course of the river according to the best previous Maps." Includes inset: Continued from the map of Spix and Martius to Para [scale ca. 1:6,666,000]. Tribes are located and their approximate population size is given. From: The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 6, (1836), pp. 11-23; held in Firestone Library. Call number: G7 .J687 v.6 1836.
- Amazon River
- Peru
- Brazil
- Inland navigation—Amazon River—Maps
- Peru—Description and travel—Maps
- Brazil—Description and travel—Maps
- Solimões River—Brazil—Maps
- Amazon River—Maps
- Ucayali River (Peru)—Maps
- Marañón River (Peru)—Maps
- Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brazil)—Maps
- Bathymetric maps
- Physical maps
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-75.0, -59.0, -2.26, -6.15)
- Geometry: BBOX (-75.0, -59.0, -2.26, -6.15)
- Access rights: Public
Smyth, William, 1800-1877. Plan of the rivers Ucayali & Amazon from the Mission of Sarayacu to the Rio Negro from the observations of Lieut. Wm. Smyth & Mr. Fredk. Lowe, R.N., 1835. London : published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, by J. Murray, Albemarle Street, April 10, 1836.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-76537381d
- eng