Title: An accurate map of North and South Carolina with their Indian frontiers, shewing in a distinct manner all the mountains, rivers, swamps, marshes, bays, creeks, harbours, sandbanks and soundings on the coasts; with the roads and Indian paths; as well as the boundary of provincial lines, the several townships and other divisions of the land in both the provinces
- Image data
- 1775
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1775
- London, Printed for Robt. Sayer and J: Bennett, 1775.
"Longitude west from London." Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Shows precinct boundaries. Insets: The harbour of Port Royal [ca. 1:200,000]--The bar and harbour of Charlestown [ca. 1:75,000]. Historic Maps copy imperfect: lower sheet wanting.
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- North Carolina—Maps—Early works to 1800
- South Carolina—Maps—Early works to 1800
- North Carolina—Administrative and political divisions—Maps—Early works to 1800
- South Carolina—Administrative and political divisions—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Harbors—South Carolina—Charleston—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Harbors—South Carolina—Beaufort—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Sea Islands—Maps—Early works to 1800
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-84.3219, -75.4001, 36.588, 34.2618)
- Geometry: BBOX (-84.3219, -75.4001, 36.588, 34.2618)
- Access rights: Public
Mouzon, Henry. An accurate map of North and South Carolina with their Indian frontiers, shewing in a distinct manner all the mountains, rivers, swamps, marshes, bays, creeks, harbours, sandbanks and soundings on the coasts; with the roads and Indian paths; as well as the boundary of provincial lines, the several townships and other divisions of the land in both the provinces. London, Printed for Robt. Sayer and J: Bennett, 1775.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-h989r5685
- eng