Title: The Heri-Rud & Murghab Rivers and intermediate territory from Merv to Herat : compiled from the survey by the officers of the Afghan Boundary Commission and members of the Russian Military Topographical Department
- Image data
- 1885
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1885
- London : Edward Stanford, 1885.
Includes mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, roads, and settlements. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Forts, ruins, mountain passes, and approximate territory of Turkoman [Turkmen] groups are shown. Includes inset map: The territory between Khiva and Herat [scale c. 1:7,510,000].s. Linear scales for primary and inset maps shown in English miles and Russian versts. From: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography. Vol. 7 (1885), no. 9, pp. 561-96; held in Firestone Library. Call number: G7 .J6873
- Afghanistan
- Turkmenistan
- India. Afghan Boundary Commission
- Asia, Central—Description and travel
- Turkmenistan—Description and travel
- Murgab River (Afghanistan and Turkmenistan)—Maps
- Hari Rud—Maps
- Turkmenistan—Maps
- Herāt (Afghanistan : Province)—Maps
- Bādghīs (Afghanistan)—Maps
- Asia, Central—Maps
- Physical maps
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (60.916667, 63.5, 38.083333, 34.166667)
- Geometry: BBOX (60.916667, 63.5, 38.083333, 34.166667)
- Access rights: Public
Sharbau, H. (Henry). The Heri-Rud & Murghab Rivers and intermediate territory from Merv to Herat : compiled from the survey by the officers of the Afghan Boundary Commission and members of the Russian Military Topographical Department. London : Edward Stanford, 1885.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-pr76f594m
- eng