Title: The west coast of South America, from Valparaiso to Lima and Panama : with the principal harbours on an enlarged scale, compiled from the latest surveys
- Image data
- 1846
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Princeton)
- Coverage: 1846
- London : Published ... by R. & W. Blachford, chartsellers to the Admiralty and Hon. East India Company at their Navigation Warehouse, no. 116, Minories, 1846.
Relief shown by hachures; depths by soundings. "Corrected to 1846." Oriented with north toward left. Inset maps: Truxillo to Panama. -- Road of Anton. -- Callao and Lima. -- Pisco. -- Arica. -- Coquimbo. -- Valparaiso -- The bay of Panama. Includes views: A view of Lima from Callao Road, by Lieut. Chillibeer, R.M. -- Appearance of the land adjacent to Truxillo -- View of the land in the vicinity of Lima -- Appearance of the coast adjacent to Valpariso ...
- South America
- Pacific Coast (Chile)—Maps
- Pacific Coast (Peru)—Maps
- Maps—Chile—Pacific Coast—1846
- Maps—Peru—Pacific Coast—1846
- Nautical charts—Chile—1846
- Nautical charts—Peru—1846
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-83.0, -64.51, -8.0, -34.01)
- Geometry: BBOX (-83.0, -64.51, -8.0, -34.01)
- Access rights: Public
Blachford, Robert, active 1801-1840. The west coast of South America, from Valparaiso to Lima and Panama : with the principal harbours on an enlarged scale, compiled from the latest surveys. London : Published ... by R. & W. Blachford, chartsellers to the Admiralty and Hon. East India Company at their Navigation Warehouse, no. 116, Minories, 1846.. Image data. https://maps.princeton.edu/catalog/princeton-x920g030s
- eng