Title: Wallis's complete voyage round the world : a new geographical pastime
- World maps
- 1796
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Pennsylvania State University)
- Issued: 1796
- Coverage: 1796
- Coverage: 1796 to 1796
- Printed for John Wallis ... by T. Sorrell
The game consists of the single sheet on which is printed two global views of the world--North and South America on the left, and Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia on the right--with numbered locations on each of the continents. Some of the countries are hand-colored in red; others are outlined in green. On the bottom third of the sheet are printed the directions for how to play the game, the rules, and the locations numbered 1-100 with one sentence descriptions of each place. The new geographical pastime" is a game for 2-6 players. Beginning in Portsmouth and ending in London, England, the players spin the totum marked 1-8 [not supplied] and advance their pyramids [not included] to the numbered location on the map until circumnavigating the world from number 1 to 100. "; 2 maps on 1 sheet: color; 50 x 63 cm Geographical recreations
- Penn State Rare Maps
- 2022-creator-sprint
- -180TO180
- World
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-180,180,90,-90)
- Geometry: BBOX (-180,180,90,-90)
Pennsylvania State University
- Access rights: Public
Wallis, John Samuel, 1825-1897. Wallis's complete voyage round the world : a new geographical pastime. Printed for John Wallis ... by T. Sorrell. World maps. https://collection1.libraries.psu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/maps1/id/26367
- eng