Title: Mapping Rome
- Not specified
- 2021
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 2021
- Coverage: 1700
- Spatial History Project. Stanford University. Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis
This collection of digitized cartographic and historic data pertains to the city of Rome, Italy. Included within are assets such as the “Nolli Map” (La Pianta Grande di Roma) of 1748. Associated with this map are a number of related cartographic assets: (a) 1320 indexed sites or “Nolli Points,” which are numerical keys associated with specific sites in the city; (b) the polygonal outlines of buildings on Nolli’s map; (c) the polygonal outlines of landscape features such as vineyards, parks, villas found on Nolli’s map; (d) the polygonal outlines of the historical neighborhoods of Rome, known as rioni; and (e) the polygonal outline of the Tiber River flowing through the city.
- Rome (Italy)
- Vatican City
- Italy
- Europe
- Urbanism
- Land use
- Buildings
- Streets
- Disabitato
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (12.234444444444444, 12.855555555555556, 42.14083333333333, 41.65555555555555)
- Geometry: BBOX (12.234444444444444, 12.855555555555556, 42.14083333333333, 41.65555555555555)
- Access rights: Public
Tice, James, Steiner, Erik, Ceen, Allan, Svevo, Giovanni, Camerlenghi, Nicola. Mapping Rome. Spatial History Project. Stanford University. Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. https://purl.stanford.edu/ch870zh6792