Title: Stanford University map collection, 1853-1997
- Not specified
- 1853
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 1853
- Coverage: 1853
The maps in this collection pertain to the University campus, to other lands owned by Jane and Leland Stanford or the University, and to adjacent communities. Included are maps of the Palo Alto Stock Farm, the land in Santa Clara County that Leland and Jane Stanford purchased as a country home and trotting horse farm which later became the campus of Stanford University; plans for the proposed campus by F. L. Olmsted & Company; miscellaneous campus maps for planting schemes, location of the Peninsular Railway line on campus, plans for Junipero Serra Boulevard, and housing subdivisions; maps of adjacent communities of Mayfield, Woodside, Palo Alto, and Menlo Park along with other subjects such as San Francisquito Creek, Searsville Lake, and Greystone Quarry. There are also three map books: a small volume concerning assorted lands owned by the Stanfords, c. 1869-1903; a block book for the campus, 1901-1903; and insurance maps for the campus, 1917.
- Searsville Lake (Calif.)
- San Francisquito Creek (Calif.)
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903
- Stanford, Jane Lathrop, 1828-1905
- Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893
- Palo Alto Stock Farm
- Peninsular Railway
- Stanford University
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-122.33416666666666, -122.02944444444444, 37.53722222222222, 37.33222222222223)
- Geometry: BBOX (-122.33416666666666, -122.02944444444444, 37.53722222222222, 37.33222222222223)
- Access rights: Public
Stanford University Archives. Stanford University map collection, 1853-1997. https://purl.stanford.edu/fh138mm2023
- English