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Title: Geologic Features (Points): Noyo River Watershed, California, 2000



  • Issued: 2001
  • Coverage: 2000


  • California. Division of Mines and Geology


This point shapefile depicts geologic features including: mines/quarries, outcrops, spring, strikes and dips of bedding, strikes of vertical bedding, and marsh/wet areas of the Noyo River Watershed, which lies within the Coast Ranges physiographic province of California. The area is mountainous, with elevations ranging from sea level in the coastal area of the watershed to approximately 2,850 feet in the eastern headwaters portion of the watershed. The majority of the watershed is heavily forested; portions of the extreme western and southeastern portions of the watershed are grass covered. This map set was compiled from multiple sources including published maps and reports, unpublished mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey, aerial photograph mapping, and reconnaissance geologic mapping. Azimuth of stikes, angle and direction of dips, and angle of dip in degrees are included. Results of Noyo River Watershed Landslide Mapping Project, including geologic and geomorphic features (landslide) maps and landslide potential maps. The maps/data are useful in preparation of Timber Harvesting Plans, and for use by land managers for identifying areas of potentially unstable ground. The maps/data serve as a guide to potential problem areas where more site-specific review is required. California Division of Mines and Geology. (2001). Geologic Features (Points): Noyo River Watershed, California, 2000. California Division of Mines and Geology. Available at: This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.


  • Geology
  • Environment
  • Inland Waters
  • California, Northern
  • Noyo River (Calif.)
  • Noyo River Watershed (Calif.)
  • Mines and mineral resources
  • Outcrops (Geology)
  • Geoscientific Information
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-123.790723, -123.407677, 39.513347, 39.353209)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-123.790723, -123.407677, 39.513347, 39.353209)




  • Access rights: Public


California. Division of Mines and Geology. Geologic Features (Points): Noyo River Watershed, California, 2000. California. Division of Mines and Geology. Point data.




  • English