Title: Municipal District Boundaries: Kabul, Afghanistan, 2005
- Polygon data
- 2006
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 2006
- Coverage: 2005
- Afghanistan Information Management Service
This polygon shapefile contains boundary information for the 22 municipal districts of Kabul, Afghanistan, which were digitized from IKONOS satellite imagery. These districts are also the police districts in Kabul. The shapefile has polygon topology and was created by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Government of Afghanistan. This layer is part of the Topographic Maps of Afghanistan and Kabul dataset which contains shapefiles relating to district and provincial boundaries, land use, transportation, buildings and structures, rivers, settlements and other specific city data. This dataset is intended for researchers, students, and policy makers for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. International Security Assistance Force (Afghanistan) (2005). Municipal District Boundaries: Kabul, Afghanistan, 2005. Afghanistan Information Management Service. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/sg278rb7531
- Boundaries
- Kabul (Afghanistan)
- Administrative and political divisions
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (68.899455, 69.484162, 34.655778, 34.294572)
- Geometry: BBOX (68.899455, 69.484162, 34.655778, 34.294572)
- Access rights: Restricted
International Security Assistance Force (Afghanistan). Municipal District Boundaries: Kabul, Afghanistan, 2005. Afghanistan Information Management Service. Polygon data. https://purl.stanford.edu/sg278rb7531
- English