Title: Geologic map of the Palos Verdes peninsula and vicinity, Redondo Beach, Torrance and San Pedro quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California
- Not specified
- 1999
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004
- Bartlett, Wendy L
- Ehlig, Perry L
- Ehrenspeck, Helmut E
- California Division of Mines and Geology
- Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation
- Geological Survey (U.S.)
- Coverage: 1999
- Dibblee Geological Foundation
by Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.; edited by Helmut E. Ehrenspeck with Perry L. Ehlig and Wendy Lou Bartlett. Relief shown by contours and spot heights; depths shown by isolines. "Prepared in cooperation with the California Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology; and the U.S. Geological Survey." "Martin L. Stout and Thomas L. Wright honorary map." Also shows oil wells. "First printing, May 1999". Includes 4 partial col. cross-sections, and location map. Five "complete" cross sections, index to sources of geology, acknowledgements and map dedication on verso. Bibliography on verso.
- Geology
- California
- Los Angeles County
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-118.75, -118.25, 33.875, 33.625)
- Geometry: BBOX (-118.75, -118.25, 33.875, 33.625)
- Access rights: Restricted
Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004, Bartlett, Wendy L, Ehlig, Perry L, Ehrenspeck, Helmut E, California Division of Mines and Geology, Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation, Geological Survey (U.S.). Geologic map of the Palos Verdes peninsula and vicinity, Redondo Beach, Torrance and San Pedro quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California. Dibblee Geological Foundation. https://purl.stanford.edu/mz364by7355
- English