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Title: 2-Meter Bathymetric Hillshade Grid: Northern Section of North Monterey Bay, California, 2009



  • Issued: 2010
  • Coverage: 2009


  • Seafloor Mapping Lab


This raster dataset is a 2-meter shaded surface relief (hillshade) grid containing multibeam bathymetry data for the northern section of North Monterey Bay, California collected from a USGS Western Coastal & Marine Geology survey of the Monterey Bay area from Año Nuevo to Moss Landing. These data were acquired between August 13- September 3, 2009 (field activity S-7-09-MB), from Point Año Nuevo south to Table Rock, as well as a block west of Soquel Canyon; and between October 12 - December 16, 2009 (field activity S-10-09-MB), surveying between Table Rock and Moss Landing. Habitat analyses and final products derived from multibeam bathymetry data were handled by the Seafloor Mapping Lab at CSUMB. This layer was created as part of the California Seafloor Mapping Project. Marine data offered here represent the efforts of a comprehensive state waters mapping program for California launched by the California State Coastal Conservancy, Ocean Protection Council, Department of Fish and Game, and the NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program. The ultimate goal is the creation of a high-resolution 1:24,000 scale geologic and habitat base map series covering all of California's 14,500 km2 state waters out to the 3 mile limit, and support of the state's Marine Life Protection Act Initiative (MLPA) goal to create a statewide network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This statewide project requires, involves and leverages expertise from industry, resource management agencies and academia. The tiered mapping campaign involves the use of state-of-the-art sonar, LIDAR (aerial laser) and video seafloor mapping technologies; computer aided classification and visualization; expert geologic and habitat interpretations codified into strip maps spanning California's land/sea boundary; and the creation of an online, publicly accessible data repository for the dissemination of all mapping products. USGS Western Coastal and Marine Geology Program and Seafloor Mapping Lab. (2010). 2-Meter Bathymetric Hillshade Grid: Northern Section of North Monterey Bay, California, 2009. Seafloor Mapping Lab Available at: Raw sonar data were processed with SEA Swath Processor (version before being cleaned and prepared for CARIS with sxpegn (build 151) by David Finlayson (USGS). Data were then imported to CARIS HIPS and SIPS (version Service Pack 1). Within CARIS, field sheets were created to tile the data into smaller work areas, and survey lines were trimmed to optimize overlap, water column noise was removed, and data were gridded to 2m resolution using a swath angle BASE surface. Data were then exported from CARIS as ascii XYZ files and imported to ARCGIS where they were combined into a single grid. data were then exported as a single continuous ASCII grid. Bathymetry products are presented according to standard California State Mapping Project specifications, including depth-dependent resolutions of 2m for data from the 0-85m depth range, 5m for 80-250m depth range, and 10m for depths of 230-1500m. A comprehensive 5m data set was produced for the total survey coverage only if per block data exceeded 85m depth and 5m resolution products were included. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.


  • Elevation
  • Inland Waters
  • Monterey Bay (Calif.)
  • Continental margins
  • Bathymetric maps
  • Digital elevation models
  • Imagery and Base Maps
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-122.3383051, -122.0995968, 37.1116108, 36.8625531)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-122.3383051, -122.0995968, 37.1116108, 36.8625531)




  • Access rights: Restricted


Western Coastal and Marine Geology Program (Geological Survey), Seafloor Mapping Lab. 2-Meter Bathymetric Hillshade Grid: Northern Section of North Monterey Bay, California, 2009. Seafloor Mapping Lab. Raster data.




  • English