Title: Earthquake Epicenters of Monterey County, California, 1931-2001
- Point data
- 2001
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 2001
- Coverage: 2001
- Monterey County (Calif.). Planning Department
This point shapefile contains records of historical seismicity (1931-2001) recorded by the Northern California Earthquake Data Center. These data show clustered earthquakes along many of the faults in Monterey County. The largest concentration of events is along the San Andreas fault. Other faults with clustered seismicity include the San Gregorio fault zone (Rocky Creek segment), the Reliz fault, and the Nacimeinto fault. This layer is part of a collection describing Geology resources and constraints Monterey County, California. Epicenters occurring from 1931 to April 2001 with magnitudes of 3 or greater are plotted to provide a perspective on the historical seismicity of Monterey County. Rosenberg, Lewis, I. (2001). Earthquake Epicenters of Monterey County, California, 1931-2001. Monterey County (Calif.) Planning Department. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/gs457mq2273. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
- Aromas (Calif.)
- Big Sur (Calif.)
- Bolsa Knolls (Calif.)
- Bradley (Calif.)
- Cachagua Creek
- Carmel (Calif.)
- Carmel Highlands (Calif.)
- Carmel Valley (Calif.)
- Carmel Valley Village
- Castroville (Calif.)
- Del Rey Oaks (Calif.)
- Gonzales (Calif.)
- Greenfield (Calif.)
- Jamesburg (Calif.)
- Jolon (Calif.)
- King City (Calif.)
- Lockwood (Calif.)
- Lucia (Calif.)
- Marina (Calif.)
- Monterey (Calif.)
- Monterey County (Calif.)
- Moss Landing Harbor (Calif.)
- Pacific Grove (Calif.)
- Pajaro (Calif.)
- Parkfield (Calif.)
- Pebble Beach (Calif.)
- Prunedale (Calif.)
- Salinas (Calif.)
- San Ardo (Calif.)
- San Lucas (Calif.)
- Sand City (Calif.)
- Seaside (Calif.)
- Soledad (Calif.)
- Spreckels (Calif.)
- Tassajara Hot Springs
- Faults (Geology)
- Earthquakes
- Geoscientific Information
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-121.9088, -120.3, 36.911, 35.79)
- Geometry: BBOX (-121.9088, -120.3, 36.911, 35.79)
- Access rights: Public
Rosenberg, Lewis I. Earthquake Epicenters of Monterey County, California, 1931-2001. Monterey County (Calif.). Planning Department. Point data. https://purl.stanford.edu/gs457mq2273
- English