Title: U.S. Marine Protected Area Boundaries
- Not specified
- 2010
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.)
- United States Department of Commerce
- United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- United States Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
- Coverage: 2010
- National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.)
These data represent the boundaries of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in North America. MPAs are areas of the oceans or Great Lakes that are protected for a conservation purpose. Managed by the federal government, the national system of MPAs brings work together at the regional and national levels to achieve common objectives for conserving the nation's important natural and cultural resources. System requirements: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software that reads ESRI shapefile format.
- North America
- Marine parks and reserves
- Marine biodiversity conservation
- Marine resources conservation
- Marine habitat conservation
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-64.35, 144.4, 71.6, -14.75)
- Geometry: BBOX (-64.35, 144.4, 71.6, -14.75)
- Access rights: Public
National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.), United States Department of Commerce, United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. U.S. Marine Protected Area Boundaries. National Marine Protected Areas Center (U.S.). https://purl.stanford.edu/kp668dr9650
- English