Title: Major Wastewater Discharge: Southern California, 2008
- Point data
- 2008
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 2008
- Coverage: 2008
- California. Department of Fish and Game. Marine Resources Region
This point shapefile depicts locations of wasterwater discharges into Southern California's near-coastal marine waters, but does not include discharges into enclosed bays and estuaries. This coverage displays the location and estimated extent of ocean wastewater discharges into the Southern California Bight, the curved coastline of Southern California between Point Conception and San Diego. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Region. (2008). Major Wastewater Discharge: Southern California, 2008. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Region. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/cq141fm6069. Point data was collected from a variety of sources, including SWRCB Division of Water Quality NPDES permit files and spreadsheets, the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project's Final Report: Discharges into State Water Quality Protection Areas (2003) and associated GIS data, the San Francisco Estuary Institute/SWRCB Water Quality Monitoring Inventory Website, and limited staff field observations. (http://www.sfei.org/camp/servlet/ListPgms?which=byOrg ). The point data that made up the CUL_Oceanoutfalls layer with a value of 'major' for the PRIMARY_RA attribute was buffered by two kilometers to create this feature class. The purpose of this is to show an estimate of the extent of area affected by wastewater discharge instead of just showing the point location of discharge. This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
- Environment
- Location
- Oceans
- California
- Pacific Ocean
- Sewage
- Drainage
- Watersheds
- Coasts
- Utilities and Communication
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-119.825138, -117.184199, 34.406301, 32.537556)
- Geometry: BBOX (-119.825138, -117.184199, 34.406301, 32.537556)
- Access rights: Public
California. Department of Fish and Game. Marine Resources Region. Major Wastewater Discharge: Southern California, 2008. California. Department of Fish and Game. Marine Resources Region. Point data. https://purl.stanford.edu/cq141fm6069
- English