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Title: Motor Vehicle Accidents: United States and Puerto Rico, 1975-2012



  • Issued: 2014
  • Coverage: 1975


  • United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics


This point shapefile contains information about vehicle accident characteristics and environmental conditions at the time of the crash, between 1975 and 2012. There is one record per crash. The word vehicle means in-transport motor vehicle unless otherwise noted. FARS data are made available to the public in Statistical Analysis System (SAS) data files as well as Database Files (DBF). Over the years changes have been made to the type of data collected and the way the data are presented in the SAS data files. Some data elements have been dropped and new ones added, coding of individual data elements has changed, and new SAS data files have been created. The FARS Coding and Editing Manual contains a detailed description of each SAS data elements including coding instructions and attribute definitions. The Coding Manual is published for each year of data collection. This layer is part of the 2014 National Transportation Atlas Database. The National Transportation Atlas Databases 2014 (NTAD2014) is a set of nationwide geographic datasets of transportation facilities, transportation networks, associated infrastructure and other political and administrative entities. These datasets include spatial information for transportation modal networks and intermodal terminals, as well as the re¬lated attribute information for these features. This data supports research, analysis, and decision-making across all transportation modes. It is most useful at the national level, but has major applications at regional, state and local scales throughout the transportation community. The data used to compile NTAD2014 was provided by our partners within the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and by other agencies throughout the United States Federal Government. These contributors are the actual data stewards and are ultimately responsible for the maintenance and accuracy of their data. One of the primary objectives of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is to reduce the staggering human toll and property damage that motor vehicle traffic crashes impose on our society. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) is a census of fatal motor vehicle crashes with a set of data files documenting all qualifying fatalities that occurred within the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico since 1975. To qualify as a FARS case, the crash had to involve a motor vehicle traveling on a trafficway customarily open to the public, and must have resulted in the death of a motorist or a non-motorist within 30 days of the crash. United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration. (2014). Motor Vehicle Accidents: United States and Puerto Rico, 1975-2012. National Transportation Atlas Database 2014. Available at: Coding manual - Years 2001 to current are available at:


  • Location
  • Transportation
  • Society
  • United States
  • Washington (D.C.)
  • Puerto Rico
  • Traffic safety
  • Traffic fatalities
  • Traffic accidents
  • Highway law
  • Roads
  • Motor vehicles
  • Statistics
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-150.126441, -67.432961, 64.925621, 25.4674)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-150.126441, -67.432961, 64.925621, 25.4674)




  • Access rights: Public


United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Motor Vehicle Accidents: United States and Puerto Rico, 1975-2012. United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Line data.




  • English