Title: Maps and GIS data for the Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California
- Not specified
- 2005
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Coverage: 2005
- California Geological Survey, California Dept. of Conservation
Digital geospatial data sets for two maps (Plate 1, Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California, geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding; and plate 2, Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California, relative landslide potential with geologic and geomorphic features). These maps portray landslides, geomorphic features related to landsliding, relative landslide potential, geology, and stream channel geomorphic conditions in the Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California. The GIS data are organized into four groups: landslide layers; geomorphology layers; fluvial layers; geology layers. by Gerald J. Marshall and Eric Mendes. Title from CD surface. Relief shown by contours. Includes text, Geologic and geomorphic features related to landsliding and landslide potential in the Elk River watershed / by Gerald J. Marshall and Eric Mendes. "Landslide and geomorphic features were mapped/compiled at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 inch equals 2000 feet). The geologic data were also compiled at 1:24,000...Accuracy of the map features in this database are not implied at scales larger than 1:24,000."--Metadata file. PDF images of maps include bibliographical references. System requirements: Intel Pentium processor or Macintosh Power PC or later with CD-ROM drive; Acrobat Reader 5.0 (included on disc); ArcExplorer viewer to view ESRI shapefile formats (included on disc); ArcView 3.x, ArcToolbox or workstation ArcInfo to view ESRI interchange file formats; WinZip 8.1 or greater (evaluation version included on disc). Digital files (some zipped) for 2 maps (ESRI shapefile [.shp] and interchange file [.e00] formats; PDF formats); text files (.rtf, .txt and .pdf formats); software (WinZip 8.1 evaluation version; ArcExplorer viewer; Acrobat Reader 5.0).
- Geology
- California
- Humboldt County
- Elk River (Calif.)
- Faults (Geology)
- Landslides
- Landslide hazard analysis
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-124.46666666666667, -123.4, 41.45, 40.0)
- Geometry: BBOX (-124.46666666666667, -123.4, 41.45, 40.0)
- Access rights: Public
Marshall, Gerald J, Mendes, Eric, California Geological Survey. Maps and GIS data for the Elk River watershed, Humboldt County, California. California Geological Survey, California Dept. of Conservation. https://purl.stanford.edu/bn324wt5869
- English