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Title: INOGO Mapas 2012: a High Resolution Map of Land Cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito Region of Costa Rica



  • Issued: 2014
  • Coverage: 2012


  • Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment


This polygon shapefile contains land use and land cover classifications for the Osa and Golfito region of Costa Rica. As a part of the Osa and Golfito Initiative (INOGO) Phase 1 Terrestrial Ecosystems Component, in-depth analysis of land use and land cover in the region was undertaken using RapidEye satellite images. This analysis, called INOGO Mapas 2012, is currently in a “beta” (draft) form. INOGO Mapas is based on the prior Ecomapas land use classification, which was produced by INBio in 1998-99. INOGO Mapas is the highest resolution (5x5 m.) land cover classification of the Osa and Golfito region, and likely of almost any study area of comparable size in the world. The map partitions the landscape into more than a million unique polygons with each one classified through an automated process followed by manual verification. See the supplemental information section of these metadata for Land use type and code classifications. This map is virtually cloud free, a feat achieved by using up to eight individual satellite images of the same location to acquire cloud-free viewing of each pixel. In total, INOGO Mapas uses 46 individual RapidEye satellite images, acquired through a custom tasking of the satellite for the INOGO study area during the summer of 2012. INOGO is an international collaborative effort to develop a strategy for sustainable human development and environmental stewardship in the Osa and Golfito Cantons of Costa Rica. The effort's core is a collaboration between people and institutions in the US and Costa Rica, facilitated by the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. INOGO is designed to build on the many previous efforts in the region, working hand in hand with Costa Ricans in local communities, in the public and private sector, and with NGOs to create a shared vision and long-term strategic plan for a sustainable future for the Osa and Golfito region. The project integrates the sociocultural dimensions of the Osa and Golfito region with both its marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Broadbent EN, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Dirzo RD, Almeyda Zambrano SL, Quispe Gil CA, Morales Barquero L, Villalobos M, Hunt C, Menke C. (In prep) INOGO Mapas 2012: a high resolution map of land cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito region of Costa Rica. Available at: Land Use Code Bosque Denso 1 Bosque Denso de Mangle 101 Bosque Denso de Melina 106 Bosque Denso de Palma de Aceite 111 Bosque Denso de Pejibaye 113 Bosque Denso de Plantacion Forestal 104 Bosque Denso de Pochote 108 Bosque Denso de Roble Coral 105 Bosque Denso de Teca 107 Bosque Denso de Trichospermum 103 Bosque Denso de Yolillo 102 Bosque Denso Pantanoso 109 Bosque Ralo 2 Bosque Ralo de Cerillo 204 Bosque Ralo de Mangle 201 Bosque Ralo de Melina 203 Bosque Ralo de Pejibaye 205 Bosque Ralo de Yolillo 202 Cuerpo de Agua 14 Herbazal Arbolado con Trichospermum 304 Herbazal Arbolado con Yolillo 301 Herbazal Arbolado de Negra Forra 305 Herbazal Arbolado para Forraje 302 Herbazal Arbustivo 9 Herbazal Arbustivo de Palma de Aceite 903 Herbazal Arbustivo de Yolillo 901 Herbazal Arbustivo para Forraje 902 Herbazal Denso 7 Herbazal Denso Arbolado 3 Herbazal Denso de Arroz 702 Herbazal Denso de Bamboo 704 Herbazal Denso de Banano 703 Herbazal Denso de Mangle 701 Herbazal Denso de Negra Forra 706 Herbazal Denso para Forraje 705 Herbazal Denso Quemado 707 Herbazal Ralo 8 Herbazal Ralo de Negra Forra 802 Herbazal Ralo para Forraje 801 Infraestructura 12 Matorral Denso 4 Matorral Denso Arbolado 6 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Cerillo 604 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Palma de Aceite 607 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Plantacion Forestal 603 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Trichospermum 602 Matorral Denso de Mangle 401 Matorral Denso de Palma de Aceite 406 Matorral Denso de Plantacion Forestal 404 Matorral Denso de Trichospermum 403 Matorral Denso de Yolillo 402 Matorral Ralo 5 Matorral Ralo de Mangle 501 Matorral Ralo de Trichospermum 502 Terreno Descubierto 10 Sombra 90 Nubes 91 Afuera region de estudio INOGO 99 Afuera de imagen RapidEye 100 Bosque Urbano 115 Matorral Denso Arbolado 6 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Cerillo 604 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Palma de Aceite 607 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Plantacion Forestal 603 Matorral Denso Arbolado de Trichospermum 602 Matorral Denso de Mangle 401 Matorral Denso de Palma de Aceite 406 Matorral Denso de Plantacion Forestal 404 Matorral Denso de Trichospermum 403 Matorral Denso de Yolillo 402 Matorral Ralo 5 Matorral Ralo de Mangle 501 Matorral Ralo de Trichospermum 502 Terreno Descubierto 10 Sombra 90 Nubes 91 Afuera region de estudio INOGO 99 Afuera de imagen RapidEye 100 Bosque Urbano 115 Herbazal Denso Pantanoso 708 This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.


  • Land Cover
  • Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica)
  • Golfito (Costa Rica : Bay)
  • Land use
  • Bodies of water
  • Forests
  • Grasslands
  • Roads
  • Human settlements
  • Cities and towns
  • Imagery and Base Maps
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-83.740538, -82.999221, 8.992007, 8.307202)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-83.740538, -82.999221, 8.992007, 8.307202)




  • Access rights: Public


Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. INOGO Mapas 2012: a High Resolution Map of Land Cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito Region of Costa Rica. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. Polygon data.




  • English