Title: Geologic map of San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County, California
- Not specified
- 2001
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004
- Ehrenspeck, Helmut E
- California Division of Mines and Geology
- Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation
- Geological Survey (U.S.)
- Issued: 2001
- Coverage: 2001
- Dibblee Geological Foundation
by Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. ; edited by Helmut E. Ehrenspeck. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Prepared in cooperation with the California Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology; and the U.S. Geological Survey." "John J. Woolley Memorial Map." "First printing, April 2001." Includes 4 col. cross-sections, location map, index to sources of geology, 1 stratigraphic column, 2 remote sensing images and 1 air photo mosaic. Text, ill., and ancillary map on verso. Bibliography on verso.
- Geology
- California
- Los Angeles County
- San Miguel Island
- San Miguel Island (Calif.)
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-120.5, -120.29166666666667, 34.108333333333334, 33.983333333333334)
- Geometry: BBOX (-120.5, -120.29166666666667, 34.108333333333334, 33.983333333333334)
- Access rights: Restricted
Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004, Ehrenspeck, Helmut E, California Division of Mines and Geology, Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation, Geological Survey (U.S.). Geologic map of San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County, California. Dibblee Geological Foundation. https://purl.stanford.edu/zg692wk2623
- English