Title: Water Trails, Northeast United States, 2014
- Line data
- 2014
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Issued: 2014
- Coverage: 2014
- Northeast Regional Ocean Council
This dataset shows coastal water trails in the northeast United States. A water trail is an officially designated water route, or blueway, that is maintained by an agency or association. Water trails are typically used recreationally by paddlers in non-motorized boats such as kayaks or canoes. Water trails are deemed coastal if they are located within or have an endpoint in a saline water body. Information on water trails was obtained from a number of different sources which manage individual trails or which aggregate information about multiple trails in one virtual location. Source data included online web maps, static maps in PDF format, textual descriptions, and direct conversations with sponsoring agencies. This dataset is meant to depict the distribution and general locations of water trails throughout the region. It does not contain any information regarding tides, navigation, safety, navigable route within the trail, or difficulty level. 2. PURPOSE This dataset is meant to support coastal and ocean planning and is not meant for recreational trip planning. It is recommended that persons interested in paddling any of these water trails are recommended to consult the source agencies. Applied Science Associates. (2014). Water Trails, Northeast United States, 2014. Northeast Regional Ocean Council. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/xz114qf1730. Not to be used for navigation This layer is presented in the WGS84 coordinate system for web display purposes. Downloadable data are provided in native coordinate system or projection.
- Oceans
- Environment
- Inland Waters
- Maine
- Casco Bay (Me.)
- Frenchman Bay (Me.)
- Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.)
- Saco Bay (Me.)
- Narragansett Bay (R.I.)
- New Hampshire
- New York (State)
- Penobscot Bay (Me.)
- Bronx River (N.Y.)
- Connecticut River
- Kennebec River (Me.)
- Machias Bay (Me.)
- Pettaquamscutt River (R.I.)
- Muscongus Bay (Me.)
- Pawtuxet River (R.I.)
- Ten Mile River (Mass.)
- Taunton River (Mass.)
- Water trails
- Datasets
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-73.884898, -67.338648, 44.669463, 40.810181)
- Geometry: BBOX (-73.884898, -67.338648, 44.669463, 40.810181)
- Access rights: Public
Applied Science Associates. Water Trails, Northeast United States, 2014. Northeast Regional Ocean Council. Line data. https://purl.stanford.edu/xz114qf1730
- English