Title: Ocean Tipping Points
- Not specified
- 2016
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Coverage: 2016
- Ocean Tipping Points Project
The Ocean Tipping Points collaborative research project seeks to understand and characterize tipping points in ocean ecosystems. This idea is not new. Many scientists before us have studied the complex dynamics of marine ecosystems, highlighting the potential for rapid, dramatic changes in ocean conditions. However, past science has done little to influence the way we manage marine ecosystems. We have an opportunity to change this, as promising new science converges with a paradigm shift toward ecosystem-based management of our coasts and oceans. Tipping points occur when small shifts in human pressures or environmental conditions bring about large, sometimes abrupt changes in a system – whether in a human society, a physical system, an ecosystem or our planet’s climate. System requirements: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software that reads GeoTIFF format.
- Hawaii
- Marine ecology
- Marine ecosystem management
- Marine ecosystem health
- Coastal ecosystem health
- Environmental impact analysis
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-178.43333333333334, -150.98333333333332, 28.516666666666666, 17.733333333333334)
- Geometry: BBOX (-178.43333333333334, -150.98333333333332, 28.516666666666666, 17.733333333333334)
- Access rights: Public
Ocean Tipping Points Project. Ocean Tipping Points. Ocean Tipping Points Project. https://purl.stanford.edu/hs513mq2073
- English