Title: Geologic map of the Waterman Mountain quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California
- Not specified
- 2002
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by Stanford)
- Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004
- Minch, John A. (John Albert)
- Angeles National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
- Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation
- Issued: 2002
- Coverage: 2002
- Dibblee Geological Foundation
by Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. ; edited by John A. Minch. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Topographic base map from newest available USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle WATERMAN MTN., CA 1959, 34117-C8-TF-024. Photo inspected 1972". "Prepared in cooperation with the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and the Angeles National Forest". "William J. Miller Honorary Map". "First printing, May 2002". Includes 1 col. cross section, quadrangle location map, index to adjacent 7.5 minute quadrangles, and index to sources of geology. Includes "pertinent references".
- Geology
- California
- Los Angeles County
- Angeles National Forest
- Other
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-118.0, -117.875, 34.375, 34.25)
- Geometry: BBOX (-118.0, -117.875, 34.375, 34.25)
- Access rights: Restricted
Dibblee, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1911-2004, Minch, John A. (John Albert), Angeles National Forest (Agency : U.S.), Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr. Geological Foundation. Geologic map of the Waterman Mountain quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. Dibblee Geological Foundation. https://purl.stanford.edu/gz872kn0960
- English