Title: Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus: vulgo l'Isle de Re et Oleron.; Insvlae divi Martini et Vliarvs
- Not specified
- 1636
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664
- Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Appendix Atlas
- Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922, former owner.
- Coverage: 1636
- Coverage: 1636 to 1636
Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to the left side of the map. This state was published in atlases by Jan Jansson and his heirs in 1675 and 1680. Illustrations include three compass roses and ships on the ocean. The scale cartouche is framed by a sea monster and the title cartouche includes a mermaid with her two children. From the Jansson Appendix Atlas 1636-1680, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 37 x 50 cm.
- Clark Library Map Collections
- 2022-creator-sprint
- France-- Nouvelle-Aquitaine--Charente-Maritime
- France
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-1.62,-0.98,46.34,45.79)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664, Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Appendix Atlas, Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922, former owner. Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus: vulgo l'Isle de Re et Oleron.; Insvlae divi Martini et Vliarvs. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-012608274/39015091191265_01
- eng