Title: Bituricum Ducatus: Duche de Berri.; Bitvricvm Dvcatvs: Dvche de Berri.
- Not specified
- 1636
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664
- Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Appendix Atlas
- Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922, former owner.
- Coverage: 1636
- Coverage: 1636 to 1636
Relief shown pictorially. The state of this map varies from Blaeu, Hondius and Jansson versions according to van der Krogt in Koeman's, "New title cartouche with coat-of-arms and human figures, copied after Blaeu's unsigned map. Characteristic difference: Blaeu has a one line Latin quotation ('Turribus... Bituris') between the two towers bottom right." As there is no text on the verso, the map does not match any states recorded in Van der Krogt. Includes decorative title cartouche and scale cartouche with two towers, armillary sphere, and books. From the Jansson Appendix Atlas 1636-1680, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan. 1 map; 45 x 55 cm.
- Clark Library Map Collections
- 2022-creator-sprint
- France
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (0.63,3.09,47.7,46.06)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664, Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Appendix Atlas, Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922, former owner. Bituricum Ducatus: Duche de Berri.; Bitvricvm Dvcatvs: Dvche de Berri.. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-005547752/39015091191927_01
- eng