Title: Kenosha harbor, Wisconsin and shewing the state of the channel between the U.S. piers and the bar from survey made, as above, between the 8th & the 12th of May 1857; from survey made in December 1855 by assistant John R. Mayer, under the direction of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham, Major, U.S. Top. Engineers. Superintending Engineer of Lake Michigan Works.
- Nautical charts
- 1857
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Graham, J. D. (James Duncan), 1799-1865
- Mayer, J. R. (John R.)
- United States. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers
- Issued: 1857
- Coverage: 1855
- Coverage: 1855 to 1857
North oriented toward right. Depths shown by soundings and isolines. "This map is the same as Map G no. 30 which accompanied Lieut. Colonel J.D. Graham's annual report (no. 116) to the Chief Topographical Engineer, dated Chicago December 31st 1855 except that the soundings laid down between the U.S. piers and on the outer bar are from survey made in May 1857." "Map G. No. 53." 1 map; 65 x 92 cm
- Harbors
- Clark Library Map Collections
- sprint-mar2020
- 2022-creator-sprint
- Wisconsin--Kenosha
- Wisconsin
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-87.825305,-87.807066,42.601932,42.583702)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Graham, J. D. (James Duncan), 1799-1865, Mayer, J. R. (John R.), United States. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers. Kenosha harbor, Wisconsin and shewing the state of the channel between the U.S. piers and the bar from survey made, as above, between the 8th & the 12th of May 1857; from survey made in December 1855 by assistant John R. Mayer, under the direction of Brevet Lieut. Col. J.D. Graham, Major, U.S. Top. Engineers. Superintending Engineer of Lake Michigan Works.. Nautical charts. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-001293820/39015095388834
- eng