Title: Rio Colorado of the West; explored by 1st. Lieut. Joseph C. Ives, Topl. Engrs. under the direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A.A. Humphreys, Capt. Topl. Engrs. in charge, by order of the Hon. John B. Floyd, Secretary of War; drawn by Frhr. F.W. v. Egloffstein, topographer to the expedition.; Explorations and Surveys, War Department, map no. 2.
- Not specified
- 1858
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Courtenay, F. letterer
- Dahl, James, former owner
- Egloffstein, F. W., 1824-1885, topographer
- Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer
- Humphreys, A. A. (Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director
- Ives, J. C., explorer
- Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler
- United States. Office of Explorations and Surveys, director.
- Coverage: 1858
- Coverage: 1858 to 1858
Relief shown by shading and hachures. Also shows routes of exploration. At head of title: Explorations and Surveys, War Department, map no. 2. 1 map; 38 x 89 cm, folds to 27 x 18cm.
- Clark Library Map Collections
- 2022-creator-sprint
- Texas--Colorado River
- Texas
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-115.55,-108.45,37.25,34.5)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Courtenay, F. letterer, Dahl, James, former owner, Egloffstein, F. W., 1824-1885, topographer, Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer, Humphreys, A. A. (Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director, Ives, J. C., explorer, Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler, United States. Office of Explorations and Surveys, director. Rio Colorado of the West; explored by 1st. Lieut. Joseph C. Ives, Topl. Engrs. under the direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A.A. Humphreys, Capt. Topl. Engrs. in charge, by order of the Hon. John B. Floyd, Secretary of War; drawn by Frhr. F.W. v. Egloffstein, topographer to the expedition.; Explorations and Surveys, War Department, map no. 2.. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-012497739/39015095390988
- eng