Title: Pas-kaart vande zee kusten van Niew Nederland anders genaamt Niew York tusschen Renselaars Hock en de Staaten Hoek
- Early maps
- 1684
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Coverage: 1684
- Coverage: 1684 to 1684
door C.J. Vooght geometra.
Inset title: Noord Rivier anders R. Manhattans off Hudsons Rivier genaamt in t'groodt
Inset title: Versche Rivier in t'groodt
Relief shown pictorially. Marine chart showing the coast from Sandy Hook to Buzzard'd Bay and including Long Island. Insets show the Hudson River from its mouth to the Mohawk River and the lower part of the Connecticut River. From Keulen's "De Uchtende zeefakkelj.." which was published between 1681 and 1696. 1 map; 53 x 61 cm.
- sprint-2021-05
- 2022-creator-sprint
- 202212bbox
- United States of America
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-74.258843,-73.700233,40.91763,40.476578)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Dahl, James, former owner, van Keulen, Johannes, 1654-1715, Vooght, Claes Janszoon, -1696, engraver. Pas-kaart vande zee kusten van Niew Nederland anders genaamt Niew York tusschen Renselaars Hock en de Staaten Hoek. Early maps. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-012464749/39015095390392
- eng