Title: A map of the whole continent of America: divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted; Compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772.
- Not specified
- 1772
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Michigan)
- Coverage: 1772
- Coverage: 1772 to 1772
Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: Ferro. Includes text, chart of possessions, and inset "The supplements to North America containing the countries adjoining Baffins & Hudsons bays." Includes articles 4-9, 17, 18 and 20 of the Treaty. map: hand col.; 104 x 120 cm on 2 sheets 53 x 122 cm.
- Clark Library Map Collections
- 2022-creator-sprint
- North America
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-150.57,8.48,78.87,-57.27)
University of Michigan
- Access rights: Public
- This map is in the public domain.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782, Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794. A map of the whole continent of America: divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted; Compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772.. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-003277633/39015091197353
- eng