Title: Map and directory of Camp Patterson Park [Baltimore, Maryland] One Hundred and Tenth Regiment of New York Volunteers. Col. D.C. Littlejohn, commanding
- Not specified
- 1862
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Issued: 1862
- Coverage: 1862
- Coverage: 1862 to 1862
- F. Bourquin & Co. (Philadelphia)
Detailed map indicating position of tents, principal buildings, wagon roads, and "earthwork intrenchments of the War of 1812."; Tents are keyed by number to a list of occupants printed at the sides and bottom of the map.; Includes portraits of nine officers of the regiment.; Includes coloration of cartouches around title, addition of an illustration of tents, and text headings.; Description derived from published bibliography.
on sheet 63 x 51 centimeters
Scale 1:360
City Maps
- 2022-creator-sprint
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-76.58,-76.579,39.291,39.29)
University of Minnesota
- Access rights: Public
- Use of this item may be governed by US and international copyright laws. You may be able to use this item, but copyright and other considerations may apply. For possible additional information or guidance on your use, please contact the contributing organization.
Butler, J. B. (Surveyor). Map and directory of Camp Patterson Park [Baltimore, Maryland] One Hundred and Tenth Regiment of New York Volunteers. Col. D.C. Littlejohn, commanding. F. Bourquin & Co. (Philadelphia). https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/item/p16022coll205:600
- eng