Title: L'Empire d'Allemagne : distingué suivant l'estendue de tous les Estats, Principautés, et Souverainetés qui passent ou qui ont passé jusque à présent sous le nom d'Allemagne
- Not specified
- 1685
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Issued: 1685
- Coverage: 1685
- Coverage: 1685 to 1685
- H. Iaillot (Paris)
Relief shown pictorially.
54 x 88 centimeters
Scale [1:2,000,000]
General Map Collection
- Europe, Central Maps Early Works to 1800
- Germany Maps Early Works to 1800
- Belgium Maps Early Works to 1800
- Denmark Maps Early Works to 1800
- Luxembourg Maps Early Works to 1800
- Netherlands Maps Early Works to 1800
- Austria Maps Early Works to 1800
- Czech Republic Maps Early Works to 1800
- Switzerland Maps Early Works to 1800
- Poland Maps Early Works to 1800
- Maps
- 2022-creator-sprint
- Germany; Belgium; Denmark; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Austria; Czech Republic; Switzerland; Poland
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (2.000,22.000,57.000,45.000)
University of Minnesota
- Access rights: Public
- Use of this item may be governed by US and international copyright laws. You may be able to use this item, but copyright and other considerations may apply. For possible additional information or guidance on your use, please contact the contributing organization.
Sanson, Guillaume. L'Empire d'Allemagne : distingué suivant l'estendue de tous les Estats, Principautés, et Souverainetés qui passent ou qui ont passé jusque à présent sous le nom d'Allemagne. H. Iaillot (Paris). https://umedia.lib.umn.edu/item/p16022coll230:490
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