Title: C-30 Geologic Atlas of Wright County, Minnesota [Part A]
- Not specified
- 2013
- Not owned by MIT (Owned by University of Minnesota)
- Issued: October 31, 2013
- Coverage: 2013
- Coverage: 2013 to 2013
Plate 1, Data Base, Plate 2, Bedrock geology, Plate 3, Surficial geology, Plate 4 Quaternary stratigraphy, Plate 5 Sand distribution models, Plate 6 Bedrock topography and depth-to-bedrock, Scale 1:100,000. Additional data added 2015, raster data sets of the elevation of the top and bottom, and the thickness of bedrock units in Wright County.; Surface and subsurface geology of Wright County, Mn. includes bedrock topography and depth-to-bedrock. Additional data added 2015; raster data sets of the elevation of the top and bottom, and the thickness of bedrock units in Wright County.; The Wright County Board of Commissioners, and the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as Recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources.
- Wright County, Minnesota
- Minnesota
- Datasets
- Maps
Geospatial coordinates
- Bounding Box: BBOX (-94.2631,-93.5149,45.424,44.9785)
- Geometry: BBOX (-94.2631,-93.5149,45.424,44.9785)
University of Minnesota
- Access rights: Public
Tipping, Robert G, Minnesota Geological Survey. C-30 Geologic Atlas of Wright County, Minnesota [Part A]. https://hdl.handle.net/11299/159422
- eng