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Title: Data and Scripts for manuscript "Improving predictions of range expansion for invasive species using joint species distribution models and surrogate co-occurring species"


Alternate titles

  • Data and Scripts for manuscript "Improving predictions of range expansion for invasive species using joint species distribution models and surrogate co-occurring species"


  • Issued: January 20, 2021
  • Coverage: 2020
  • Coverage: 2020 to 2020


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This data can be used to replicate the results from the manuscript "Improving predictions of range expansion for invasive species using joint species distribution models and surrogate co-occurring species". Included are R scripts and occurence datasets for running Generalized Boosted Models (GBM) species distribution models for the invasive species Cardamine impatiens, Celastrus orbiculatus, and Humulus japonicus. Also included are R scripts for building spatially explicit species co-occurrence matrices used for running joint species distribution models (specifically gjam models) in for plant communities in Minnesota based on the MN DNR plant releve dataset with a focus on incorporating the invasive species Cardamine impatiens, Celastrus orbiculatus, and Humulus japonicus as well as a case study for the native species Smilacina racemosa. The exact spatial location of each releve has been changed to a gridded position in order to protect the exact location. Raw releve data must be obtained from the MN DNR.

The data includes occurrence records for Cardamine impatiens, Celastrus orbiculatus, Humulus japonicus, and Smilacina racemosa downloaded from EDDMaps on 7 Sept 2020. Also included are spatially explicit species co-occurrence presence/absences matrices for Cardamine impatiens, Celastrus orbiculatus, Humulus japonicus, and Smilacina racemosa.


  • United States
  • Datasets

Geospatial coordinates

  • Bounding Box: BBOX (-179.14734,179.77847,71.352561,-14.552549)
  • Geometry: BBOX (-179.14734,179.77847,71.352561,-14.552549)


University of Minnesota


  • Access rights: Public


Briscoe Runquist, Ryan D., Lake, Thomas A., Moeller, David A. Data and Scripts for manuscript "Improving predictions of range expansion for invasive species using joint species distribution models and surrogate co-occurring species". Table data, Line data.




  • eng